Alahua Slalom Tour
Con el objetivo de crecer el esqui en Mexico tenemos planeado organizar torneos de slalom a lo largo del año en diferentes lugares
Faciles de organizar:
Minimo 15 esquiadores
Maximo 25
1 solo dia
2 rondas
Todas las edades, novatos a profesionales.
* Sistema handicap
3 jueces
1 en la lancha
1 en el muelle
1 en la orilla
Se transmitira todo el torneo por medio de Instagram Live
Lancha con Zero off
Pizarron con plumones para anotar los resultados
4 radios
2 cuerdas
2 mangos
Orden de salida de mas lentos a mas rápidos y cortos de cuerda
Se empezara puntual a las 9am
La lancha deberá tener medio tanque de gasolina y debera de haber 50 litros mas
5 puntos al primer lugar
3 puntos segundo lugar
1 punto tercer lugar
$1,500 a $2,000 pesos por esquiador
El pago sera a través de una cuenta de PayPal y se cerraran las inscripciones 3 dias antes
En caso de que el torneo sea R (record capability) se duplicaran los puntos.*
El campeón del tour al final de la temporada se ganara un slalom D3 nuevo.
Podemos organizar una clinica una semana o dos antes del torneo.
Invitareos al Club Reforma, a la revista caras para cubrir los torneos.
Los posibles lugares son:
Valle de Bravo:
Valle San Nicolas

Rancho Avandaro

Almaya (la marquesa)

Acapulco (Ski Paradise)

Amanali (Tepeji del Rio)

Acua Ski

Queretaro (Polo and Ski Club)

Boca Laguna

# de boyas a restar Nivel
7 .5 @ 9.75 mts / 43off
6 2 @ 11.25 mts / 38 off
5 3 @ 14 mts / 28 off
4 4.5 @ 18 mts @ 55 km / 15off @ 34mph
3 3.5 @ 18mts @ 49 km / 15off @ 49 mph
2 3.5 @ 18 mts @ 40 km / 15 off @ 24mph
1 3.5 @ 18 mts @ 31 km / 15off @ 19mph
How to calculate a Handicap
Skiers running more than 6 a buoy at 10.25 mts they will subtract 7 buoys of their PB in tournament
Skiers running more than 1.5 @ 11.25 mts and less than .5 @ 9.75 they will subtract 6 buoys of their PB in tournament.
Skiers running more than 2.5 @ 14 mts and less than 2 @ 11.25 mts will subtract 5 buoys from their PB in tournament.
Skiers running more than 4 @ 18mts @ 55 km/h and less than 3 @ 14 mts will subtract 4 buoys from their PB in tournament
Skiers running more than 3 @ 18mts @ 49 km/h and less than 4.5 @ 18mts @ 55 km/h will subtract 3 buoys from their PB in tournament
Skiers running more than 3 @ 18 @ 40 km/h and less than 3.5 @ 18mts @ 49 km/h will subtract 2 buoys from their PB in tournament
Skiers running more than 3 @ 18 @ 31 and less than 3.5 @ 18 @ 40 km/h will subtract 1 buoys from their PB in tournament
The winner will be the skier who adds more buoys divided in the number of rounds they skied.
If you do NOT have a PROVEN score from the previous year, your score of the first round will be to measure your handicap and will equal 0.
The max you can exceed your handicap is by 6. If you do so, you will have another round with a new handicap based on your new score.
The minimum you can score is -6
AWSA speeds depending on your age division